Heyyo ! Waazzaa guys ! Semua-semua tgh buat apa? *tny soalan bodoh kan aq ni?* klah. What's the date todayy ? *tgk tarikh* ouh, its 7June12. HALAMAKK ?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S THIS MEAN?! DAH NAK HABIS CUTI SEKOLAHH!! WHYY ? WHYY? *drama gila aq nie?* Tak kisah lah nk habis cuti ke belum. Aq tahu aq nk pergi sekolah. Duduk rumah SUMPAH bosan -.- btw, berkenaan dgn topic aq kali ni "Once In A Life Time" Bila korg baca tajuk dia apa yg korg pikirkan? Idk kau puny otak kan? Aphal tany aq?
Back to the main topic. Actually, entry aq kali ni is about the Venus Transit that happen yesterday. Haha xD Aq pergi weyh tgk! Sumpah JAMAZING ! *apa manusia Jamazing tu? Its A Rusher thing dude. Just shut the fuck up* haha xD okay.
About ziz Venus Transit thing. Last time ziz thing happen is on 8June04. About 8tahun dulu. Bnde ni bukan mcm gerhana or so what ever. Bnde ni JARANG sgt berlaku. So, klu korg terlepas smlm puny Transit you guys have to wait another 105.5 YEARS. On 11December2117.
2117 guys. Larat ke tunggu? Tah2 kita pun dh tk hidup dh by then * Ya Allah. mulut aq.* Okay. KALAU UMUR PANJANG. k. I have snap a picture of the Transit. Nk tgk ?
See the little dot there? |
Sorry tak clear guys. Just use the phone. -.- mmg lah tk clear. Nampak tk little dot tu? Tu sebenarnya is Venus. And the BIG orange thing is the Sun. Its the Wow moment right. Venus actually sama besar dgn Earth, so, klu beza Venus dgn Matahari tu je dah mcm titik kecik. Bayang kan lah betapa KECIKNYA bumi kita ni!
Okay guys. Need to go nooaaww! Byebye! Blog ya guys later