
Kehilangan merupakan sebahagian daripada kehidupan. Tiada siapa yang akan dapat apa yang mereka inginkan melainkan, mereka hilang apa yang mereka inginkan :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Waazzaaaa guys!!! :D Heyheyhey! Wsupp? Me? Nothing.. Heh.. Mana salam aku doo? Assalamualaikum. :) Haawaayouu guys? Sihat? Ummm.. Aku baru balik sekolah. Belum makan lagi. Hari ni aku tak makan BiskutRoda pun. T^T sbb tak pergi kantin tdi. Sobsob. I'll miss you my BiskutRoda. Kita jumpa hari Selasa k? :D
     K. Back to the main point. "HappyBirthdayBoy" Umm... What do you think? Who's bday is it today? hmm.. *winkwink* welp. Maybe if you guys a Rusher. you guys should know. But, if not.... ITS LOGAN'S BDAY TODAY GUYS! :D Whoopwhoop! :D My LogieBear is now 23! Happy Birthday Logan! I know maybe your not reading this but hey! Happy Birthday! :D We Rushers hope you'll be forking happy today! Enjoy your day! :D
  Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu,
Happy Birthday to Logan,
Happy Birthday to youu. 


THIS BOY IS NOW 23! Whoopwhoop!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's wrong with me?

Hello! Assalamualikum. Hey guys. Apa khabar. I mis my bloggg. T~T What's up guys? Sorry aa lama tak blogging. Busy dgn latihan padang hari tu aa. Korg tgk tak?? Persembahan padang waktu merdeka. Aku jd teletubies warna putih tuuu :3 TELETUBIES WEYH! Dgn muka skema dia. Baju masuk dalam. Wey! Rasa skema sekejap! Jatuh maruah wey! Jatuh! T^^^T  Heh. btw, smbng balik ke topic utama. . "What's wrong with me? "
Its actually abt me. Hmmm... :/ Sometimes. I just feel like "WTF man. What is the main reason I was born in this planet actually? Is it just to be a burden to everyone.? " tsktsk. Really? I'm a burden to you guys rite? Just tell me guys. Please. Idky guys........ Its looks like everybody is avoiding me. :/ I'm a toy rite? I'm just useless!!! ~!@#$%^&*()_+ I hate my life! And yes. I'M INVISIBLE!