Hey ! Wazz Up ?! I'm nothin here . Haha .. Kay lh . Mcm korg bce tajok besr nyer . "
BIG TIME RUSH FEVER ! " Yeah ! That's rigth ! I'm in the Big Time Rush Fever Mood . Aq tatau mcm mne aq bley trminat kt dorg . Mle2 tu ble ad jer citer BTR kt TV cpt2 soh adk tukar channel . Tp , biler da start tgk .. Hah ! Minat teros . Pelik bin Ajaib btol lha . Agk ah weyh ! AQ hapal semue main actor and actress kot kt citer tu . Cm Kendall , Logan , Carlos , James , Katie and many moree lha . Aq rse aq bru jer start minat bln nie . Mmg pelik ah kn . Citer Conan yg aq minat dh stu tahon pon semue anime nyer aq hapal . Nie BTR yg bru tahu taon nie . Haisyho !!! Klha . Nk kne chaw nie . Kbai ~
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